Agency Success Story

Infinity Medical Marketing

Infinity Medical Marketing: Offering more services and scaling thanks to Duda

  • 75%
    75% reduction in website edit and maintenance time
  • 50%
    50% reduction in website build time
  • 100%
    100% free from WordPress
  • Leveraging Duda’s AI Assistant to offer SEO services

“If we were still using WordPress, I would probably just have given up,” shares Lisa Dye, CEO and Founder at Infinity Medical Marketing.

Lisa, who has been in the healthcare industry since the mid-’80s, witnessed the digital evolution firsthand. Initially designing websites for doctors as a favor for a friend, Lisa's venture gradually transformed into a part-time job and eventually into a full-service digital marketing agency.

Quick to jump onto the WordPress bandwagon, Lisa had approximately 200 clients already onboard, with more coming.

However, the agency found itself constrained in serving more clients and offering additional services due to the complexities and limitations associated with building and maintaining websites on WordPress. The platform often led to design restrictions and maintenance challenges, hindering Infinity Medical's growth and efficiency.

Facing design limitations and maintenance nightmares

Infinity Medical Marketing relied on WordPress to develop brochure-style websites for startup doctors. To achieve their desired designs, their team would mock up designs with tools such as Photoshop and hope developers could replicate them as designed on WordPress. This process occasionally caused issues because coders could not replicate the design in WordPress, leading to client dissatisfaction and additional work for the team.

Post-delivery, continuous maintenance became imperative. The team manually backed up websites before making edits, navigated upgrades, and grappled with compatibility issues surrounding third-party plugins during WordPress updates.

According to Lisa, WordPress websites were vulnerable to hacking, adding unnecessary stress to the team. “We just wanted to create, design, and publish functional and beautiful client websites. We didn't want to have to deal with all the technical aspects that were dominating our world.”

Going against the norm

Lisa was already familiar with Duda, having built a mobile website for a client on the platform. However, she wasn’t aware that, over the years, Duda had evolved that initial product – DudaMobile – into a fully responsive website builder for agencies and SaaS platforms looking to build high-performing websites at scale.

Lisa's perception of Duda shifted quickly when she encountered success stories on the platform's website. “Those agencies had about the same number of clients I did. They took the plunge and they were successful. I was nervous initially because I thought I was going against the norm of WordPress. I felt as if I was doing something irresponsible by not using it, but I was wrong. Reading the success stories gave me the confidence to give it a whirl!”

Streamlining website development with Duda

So when Lisa discovered that agencies of similar size were successfully using Duda, she decided to dip her toe in the water and play with a few sites. She found it remarkably easy and quick to bring website visions to life.

“The wow factor for me was the ability to build a concept for a client and send a preview link so they can see what the website design will look like on desktop, tablet, or mobile. And they can actually scroll down, unlike a PDF or JPG mock-up. It's mind-blowing for me even today. It takes my clients' breath when I show it to them, and they're like, ‘I can watch it as you build it?’, and I say ‘Yes, in full transparency.’”

Despite initial apprehensions about transitioning from WordPress to Duda, Lisa began building all new websites on the Duda platform. To her surprise, clients expressed no reservations. “People don’t really care about the platform. They just want a website that is beautiful, fast, functional, and mobile-friendly. And in my opinion, Duda is much more advanced and sophisticated than other WYSIWYG platforms out there.”

Infinity Medical utilizes Duda’s white label feature to customize the editor, ensuring clients see the agency logo and colors upon login. However, they proudly endorse their use of Duda. “I always tell people ‘funny name, serious company’. We're Duda heads over here. We love it!”

Reducing build and maintenance time

Lisa was impressed by how quickly websites could be designed on Duda. While WordPress websites typically took several weeks or months to build due to development time, Infinity Medical required a fraction of the time to design a site on Duda. This efficiency translated into a minimum of a 50% reduction in website build time.

Most clients can expect their Duda website to be launched in a few days or weeks depending on how fast they can provide content. Most websites integrate with an Electronic Health Record (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and meet healthcare compliance regulations.

Regarding website edits and maintenance, the reduction with Duda was even more significant: 75%. With a single login, the team gained access to all client websites in one panel, enabling them to make edits and republish with ease. Automatic backups eliminated the need for manual intervention, and clients could receive preview links to approve changes before going live.

Duda’s role in revenue growth

Duda facilitated revenue growth for Infinity Medical by enabling faster website builds and improving response times to prospects and clients. The agency could offer website refreshes with zero downtime, enhancing client satisfaction and attracting new business opportunities.

“At first, it might seem more expensive to build websites on Duda than with WordPress. But if you factor in the time and money spent on edits, maintenance, and recovering hacked websites and plugins that are no longer supported, you’ll see that’s not the case.”

Moving all websites to Duda

Infinity Medical transitioned all its clients to Duda, seizing the opportunity during website redesigns. The agency proudly declares itself “100% WordPress free!”

Lisa says they didn’t run into any limitations with Duda. “Most of our clients are small, but we also have an entire University Children's Hospital website that gets tons of traffic built on Duda – And their directory looks beautiful.”

Embracing Duda empowered Infinity Medical to expand its service offerings to include SEO and eCommerce services. The platform's efficiency in website development and maintenance allowed the agency to accomplish more with the same team while eliminating the need for external developers.

Utilizing Duda’s AI Assistant for tasks such as writing meta descriptions and alt text for images further streamlined their operations and ensured compliance with industry standards. “I just love how Duda informs us that we have pages without meta descriptions and images without alt text. We all want to be compliant but it’s so easy to miss them on occasion.”

Lisa concludes that Duda was a game changer for her company. “It was undoubtedly one of the best decisions we've ever made. It makes our lives easier. I wouldn't want to do this business without it.”

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